Mastering the Future of AI: Understanding and Preparing for the EU AI Act

Exclusive On-Site Course for
Heads of Data Science and AI Leaders

Prepare your team for the EU AI Act Implications.
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Half-day live on-site training
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Comprehensive guides, checklists, and course materials for continued learning
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An update session if the regulation changes within 6 months after the course

What you'll learn:

  1. Introduction to the EU AI Act:
    Unpack the Act's key provisions, objectives, and scope, and compare it against other global AI regulations.
  2. Technical Requirements & Compliance:
    Dive deep into the Act’s technical requirements, risk management strategies, continuous monitoring strategies, and conformity assessments.
  3. Business Implications & Strategy Adjustments:
    Understand the strategic implications of the Act and adapt strategies through interactive hypothetical scenarios.
  4. Leading Teams in Compliance with the Act:
    Learn best practices for aligning AI developments with the regulation and communicating its implications.
  5. Future Trends & Considerations:
    Engage in discussions on potential controversies and evolutions of the Act, and plan for the future.
Picture of Hakim Elakhrass
Led by Hakim, the CEO of nannyML, we bring unique expertise and insight to this half-day, on-site training program. We have been at the forefront of AI monitoring. Our open-source software is used by companies like Walmart, UBS, and Allianz. Understanding the technical intricacies of AI systems, coupled with our knowledge of the regulatory landscape, positions us to provide a practical, industry-focused perspective on the EU AI Act. We're committed to helping you navigate this complex regulation, ensuring you're well-prepared for the changes ahead.

Prepare your team for the EU AI Act Implications

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The EU AI Act Era is Approaching. Is your Team Ready? 

EU Flags
On May 11th, 2023, a landmark event took place: the Internal Market Committee and the Civil Liberties Committee adopted a draft negotiating mandate on the first ever rules for Artificial Intelligence. This vote was a significant stride towards making the European Artificial Intelligence Act a reality. The committees have emphasized that AI systems must be human-oversight centric, safe, transparent, traceable, non-discriminatory, and environmentally friendly. Moreover, they have called for a uniform, technology-neutral definition for AI that can stand the test of time.This comprehensive, intricate regulation is on the brink of transforming the AI landscape. The time for preparation is now.

Course Outline

Introduction to the EU AI Act

  • Overview of the EU AI Act
  • Objectives and scope of the regulation
  • Key provisions of the regulation

Technical Requirements and Compliance with the EU AI Act

  • Scenarios of AI systems that could be categorized as high risk and potential solutions
  • Strategies for AI risk management and mitigation
  • Conformity assessment procedures
  • Testing and validation procedures for AI systems
  • Continuous monitoring

Business Implications and Strategy Adjustments

  • Strategic implications of the AI Act on data science operations
  • Scenarios discussing how data science departments could adapt to the regulation
  • Sector-specific implications
  • Costs associated with compliance with the regulation
  • Opportunities and challenges presented by the regulation

Leading Data Science Teams in Compliance with the EU AI Act

  • Ensuring your team’s AI developments align with the regulation
  • Best practices for leading data science teams under the EU AI Act
  • Human oversight requirements: Translating legal requirements into technical execution
  • Communicating about the AI Act with stakeholders: Board members, team members, and the public

Future Trends and Considerations

  • Ongoing debates and controversies surrounding the regulation
  • How the EU AI Act could evolve in the future
  • The future of AI development in the context of the EU AI Act
  • Preparing your team for potential changes in the AI regulation landscape

Let's Navigate the Future of AI Together, On Site

In the upcoming era of the EU AI Act, as a Head of Data Science, your role is not just to understand but to forecast and prepare for the regulatory landscape. Equip your team with the knowledge to assess risk levels of current and future AI use cases. With nannyML, you're not just learning - you're empowering your team with the tools and foresight to navigate the AI Act with confidence and ensure the continued success of your AI journey.
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Half-day live on-site training
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Comprehensive guides, checklists, and course materials for continued learning
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An update session if the regulation changes within 6 months after the course
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